Bread and Fitness

February 26, 2016

Happy Friday everyone!

First things first: Is everyone aware that Oprah loves bread and eats it every day? Because she does. Bread. Bread. Bread. #gotit #overthatcommercial #gomarrysomebreadalready

I on the other hand, have worked out this week and eaten perfectly (no bread) and gained a pound. So that’s cute.

So, my workouts. I’ve started a class called strollercize. I know. But here’s the thing: It’s hard. I’ve been super sore all week and it’s clearly getting me in shape. (Gained some weight.) These moms are hardcore and have been doing the class for awhile. Some of them started again at six weeks postpartum. #nothankyou. I was still trying to sort night from day at six weeks and I would’ve shot anyone who suggested a workout. But anyhoo, the class is a great workout and we really don’t do anything with our strollers except run laps around the track. (Well, I use the term “run” loosely when it comes to myself.) We do lots of strength training and I pretend to do some push ups. Strollercize it is, guys!


I was worn out, but Theo barely seemed winded. Lazy.

Fuller House is available on Netflix today! I’m kind of scared to watch it because it’s probably going to be awful but also nostalgic.

Speaking of bad TV, I’ve chosen to wisely (unwisely) use some of my spare time to get caught up on the show Scandal. Is is the absolute worst. It’s the worst the way Grey’s Anatomy is the worst. Except worse. (As a trained writer, I have a vast array of vocabulary at my disposal. Worst.) Olivia Pope is awful, Fitz is horrible, every all of the characters are dumb and awful. Also, who runs the USofA while everyone is busy using the Oval Office to talk about affairs and divorces? No. It’s the worst. (But I’m all caught up.)

Theo has been sleeping 6-hour stretches and then 4-hour stretches at night! Hallelujah! The only problem is that the first stretch starts at 7:30, so I’m awake for a good chunk of it. But oh well. I’m still getting more sleep than I was. We quit letting him go to sleep with his pacifier, which he was not a fan of at first, but it’s helped so much. It’s helped him learn how to self-soothe when he comes out of a sleep cycle and it’s made all the difference in the world!

Over on Facebook you can apparently like or hate or cry at or mad face at or flip the bird to people’s statuses now or something. I’m not quite sure.

Also on Facebook my friend Julie asked a good question about the election and which way people will vote. What are you going to do? Even though I’m an ex-pat, I can still send in an absentee ballot. All I know is I can’t vote for Hillary and I can’t vote for Trump. So I’ll probably write in Tami Taylor.

My baby is going to wake up soon, and I should probably switch out the laundry. Speaking of which, we started using our cloth diapers this week. 

Yikes! Will I be able to keep it up? I like the idea of it because they’re so much cheaper and he looks so cute in them. But I’m very lazy and there’s a lot of laundry. We shall see!

What’s everyone up to this weekend? I hope it’s the best!

2 Responses to “Bread and Fitness”

  1. Louise said

    So, I’m breaking my silence because your blog is greatly amusing, and worth risking my anonymity. I know who you are from church, but it’s unlikely you know who I am. Well, there was one awkward time during a connecting chip and dip event thing that you tried initiating small talk with me, but I was way too intimidated to continue. I assumed that you spent your days chanting scripture or something while I watched endless episodes of Greys and mourned the loss of Target. How wrong I was! I stumbled across your Instagram feed one day and then my husband talked about meeting your husband and before I knew it I was stalking you. It’s not my fault! It just happened.

    All that to say: Wentworth. That’s the junk TV I recently spent copious wasted hours on. It’s kinda dark at times, but the writing is good. I promise. If you find it terrible, it’s okay, I’ll be a row or two away from you at church and you won’t know who I am anyhow.

    And I spent my weekend barfing or laying on the couch feeling that I was going to barf. #pregnantlife

  2. Denise Morris Snyder said

    LOUISE! Who are you?! Because I am feeling that we should probably be best friends! Come talk to me next time you see me, or else!

    I’ve never even heard of Wentworth! Is it on Netflix?

    Sorry I am so late to respond — I spent all last week barfing too, thankfully NOT because I’m pregnant. Also, congrats!!!

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