An Engaging Announcement

January 26, 2014

You guys! Andrew and I have something we’d like to tell you.

Here’s a hint.


Here’s an even better hint.


Here’s the best hint.


Oh my gosh, you guys. Saturday, January 25 was a crazy, shocking, amazing, beautiful day.

I have been back in Colorado for about a week. I am waiting on my visa (#whatelseisnew), and didn’t plan to see Andrew again until my visa comes through and I move to Red Deer!

On Saturday I decided to go to Denver to hang out with Diana. We had planned to have a relaxing day (Treat Yo Self 2014!), shopping at the mall, getting our nails done, and grabbing dinner. I texted Diana and asked if she’d want to meet me at the mall at around 1:30. She never responded to my text. Rude. (I didn’t realize it was all part of the trickery and deception!)

Anyhoo, I ended up at Diana’s house and then we shopped around in the Highlands, and then we went and got manicures and pedicures. (p.s. ask us about the Broncos coach who was there with us getting a pedicure. Or don’t.) After we got our nails did (that’s right did), we headed over to Park Meadows mall. Diana suggested we go to Anthropologie first because it is my favorite store and it is made of beauty and truth and joy and expensiveness.

I picked out some clothes to try on, and the lady led me back to the fitting room. I opened the door, and this is what I saw.


My boyfriend, who I thought was in Canada, was in the Anthropologie dressing room. Obviously.

I saw him and he said, “I have something else I’d like you to try on instead.” And then he got down on one knee and told me some beautiful things that I made him repeat again later (because of all the shock), and then he asked me to marry him. I think I said yes at some point.


You. Guys.

I was so shocked. And so speechless. And so amazed. Our friends Diana and Andy helped coordinate the entire thing. The Anthropologie employees were all in on it. They had decorated the fitting room with candles and flowers, and champagne and truffles. Everyone knew what was going on except for me. All the stalling, the manicures, the suggestions had all been so that Andrew could surprise me and propose. So amazing.

We are hoping to get married in August, and we are so excited!!!

Andrew and I met Easter of 2012. We sat next to each other at a kitchen table and started talking. He liked the dip I had brought to the potluck. We had no clue that we would connect, and hang out, and talk on the phone, and video chat, and visit, and pay hundreds of dollars to fly back and forth from Canada to the States. Life has been really wonderful and life has been tough at times. We have come a long way in the past year and a half, and overall, we have seen God make a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

The verse that has come to my mind in the past year — the verse that has now become a reality — is this:

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3

Filled with joy! God is good and he has blessed us. We are so grateful.

I think we need a pictorial essay to top off this post. This one is titled, “Mall Madness: Denise and Andrew Got Engaged!!!”

I am starting to realize I’ve just been proposed to.


How are you not in Canada?! What’s happening? Where did this bling come from? We’re in a dressing room!




The Anthropologie folks made this room so beautiful for us!




Andrew’s impression of what I did when the fitting room door opened and he was standing there.


Andy and I are not engaged, but we decided we should take a picture together anyway.


IMG_1882I love this ring.



No one told me I was going to be surprised with an engagement. If they had, maybe I wouldn’t have worn my army jacket? But who knows. I like to make bold fashion choices.


Diana and Andy organized a surprise engagement party with lots of friends from Denver and Colorado Springs!!




Please note the difference in our beautiful descriptions.



I’ve decided I want a teacup piglet petting zoo at the wedding. You’re all invited.



Ok, that is enough already. We’re so excited, guys!!! We are grateful and blessed and thankful for God’s goodness, wonderful family, and supportive friends. We’re also thankful for Anthropologie fitting rooms. New store logo: “The perfect place to commit!” (Just a suggestion, Anthro. If you take it, I’d die for some free bridesmaid dresses in exchange. Thanks!)

Love you all!!

Denise Ruth Morris (soon to be Snyder — that is weird!!)


19 Responses to “An Engaging Announcement”

  1. I love that two people I know and love dearly from two different places in my past (PBI and FFI) met, fell in love and are engaged!!! SO happy. God’s blessings on you, your journey, your visa process and all the love, joy and blessings that come with all the excitement. LOVE YOU!

  2. I am crying tears of joy for you! Ok well my eyes are burning from hours of studying but this just made my heart so happy!!

  3. suzannegosselin said

    This made me cry. So happy for you and Andrew!

  4. hdallaire said

    Love love love the surprise and the creativity! What a great Canadian guy!!

  5. Elena said

    OH MY GOSH. I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW. This flashed across my twitter feed, and I was all like”no, it can’t be” but like, here you are and yes! I was hoping with my whole heart this would happen. I love you both. ❤️

  6. Wowee! Congratulations Denise! That is so exciting!

    My sister got married last summer on a teacup piglet petting farm down in Devon (England, obviously). In fact, it was the farm where they first started breeding teacup piglets. She has a photo on pinterest of her (in her lacy wedding dress) and her new husband (in his tails), holding a teacup with a piglet in it, with straw bales in the background… It was a beautiful wedding!

  7. Courtney said

    I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!! Best story ever!!! So so excited for you!!!!

  8. HE WAS NOT IN THE ANTHROPOLOGIE DRESSING ROOM!!! You got engaged in the Anthropologie dressing room! You do realize this means that you have a legit shot at having Anthro donate some beauty for your wedding, right?

    You are beautiful, and this post is just the best. Happy!!

  9. What a fun and beautiful story! Love your sense of humor, too, Miss (soon to be Mrs.) Denise Morris (soon to be Snyder!)

  10. Anonymous said

    I’m so excited for you! I remember the week after you met him, when you were kinda floating on marshmallows and daydreaming about a boy instead of doing translations in Aramaic class. And now your getting married!

  11. denisemorris said

    Jenni — thank you! So crazy that we have both met you!!!

    Kerry — tears of joy or sorrow from studying. Hard to tell the difference. 🙂 Thanks for being happy for us!

    Suzanne — thank you! We’re so excited!

    Dr. Dallaire — Canadians are the best! 😉

    Elena — Woo hoo!!!! He’ll be in such a good mood from now on — good for you! 🙂

    LGR — oh my gosh! That is amazing! I will have to look that up!!

    Courtney — I wish I could hire you to do everything beautiful for us!

    Annie — Right?! Best place on earth to be proposed to! It smells so good and everything is gorgeous. Thanks for being happy for us!!

    Joanna — so fun! Thank you!!

    Kaila — I used anything as an excuse not to do Aramaic. 😉 Thanks for being excited!!

  12. Anonymous said

    Congrats on your engagement Denise. All the best with the planning :)… LaTonya (from Jamaica)

  13. Anonymous said

    Denise, this is darling! Congratulations!!!!!!
    So happy for you.
    All the best,
    Cristi Thomas

  14. whatbliss said

    Blogs are so weird, because I totally feel like I’m creeping on your life, but I followed you over here from boundless and I’m so pleased for you and yeah, maybe a little misty. Ugh, weird, but anyway, so pleased for you both! ~Jamile

  15. […] that I am an expert at being engaged, I have a lot of planning to do. I’ve been Pinteresting and it takes up a lot of […]

  16. D said

    Denise, I have read your blogs on boundless and have always enjoyed hearing about you and Andrew. Words cannot express how happy I am for the two of you! 🙂 I pray that God blesses your marriage and continues to guide you both down the path he has for you. Blessings!!!

  17. SIT said

    Just curious…What if you hadn’t found something to try on?
    Congratulations to you both!!!

  18. Akorfa said

    Hi Denise, my name is Akorfa and I just wanted to say congrats on your engagement and upcoming wedding. I actually discovered boundless today, came across your engagement story ad then found your website. And guess what? I live in Edmonton, Alberta!!!! I also share your belief in understanding the hebraic roots of our christian faith that leads us towards deeper intimacy with God and a deeper appreciation of the word. I do hope our paths cross. Congrats again!!!

  19. Johnf546 said

    This actually answered my drawback, thank you! kdaddgecafeb

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